Saturday, September 4, 2010

So as we enter wk4 of 2nd grade...

So as we are entering wk4 of 2nd grade, 13 days under our belt. A new backpack has already been purchased. Good Lord Walmart you drive me nuts. I hear time and time again from other mommies and girlfriends alike that they save at Walmart. Pshhh I have never spent more money on junk and wasted more time trying to find it either. NO ONE knows where anything is. Not the customers and certainly not the employees who horizontally park the carts they're working on down every other aisle. I am no retail genius but with common courtesy under my belt along with a few years maneuvering tight corners at BedBath&Beyond I would love to fill their ears with customer service etiquette.
I could go on FOREVER, literally.
But again, the backpack. So I love back to school time. Sharpened pencils, smooth folders, paints, markers, shiny new shoes.  I love every aspect. Could go back to those years of time served at Office Depot too. And armed with my love for all things back to school and my desire to at least think Im doing the right thing with my dollar I head to the dreaded Wally World. Their selection, which is becoming a noticeable trend, was less then lacking. There was NOTHING to pick from. No fun character folders, nor matching notebooks. Merely a single aisle up front of glue sticks, pencils, crayons and markers. I was actually surprised with how disappointed I was. Total let down =( Leaving with hardly the bare essentials we headed to the registers when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a small backpack display. I let the little one pick his fav and we headed on our way.
Cut to the second day of school when the front zipper totally broke. I have fiddled with it and finally decided that velcro at the top would be the the simplest solution as I am a sewing novice and zipper ignorant. Now fast forward to day 11 when the zipper of the main compartment busted. I know my son tests the life of all products that find themselves in his care but this, this is not his fault. Poor kid. How sad=(
So Walmart, you faceless beast of overfilled carts, screaming children and a bleach spill on aisle 213, I will sleep well tonight knowing I can blame you.

*New/old backpack was buried today upon a bed of coffee grounds and leftovers and New/new backpack is sitting patiently by the door awaiting Tuesdays morning rush out the door.


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