Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear OPI...

You have frustrated me recently with your trickery and clever names. You've had me hooked for years. From "you're a pisa work" to "I'm a princess, you're not" How could I not desire to take you home with me? Bottle after $9 bottle I collect you, desire you... But you have let me down. Your oh so friendly website designed to help me find the "perfect" shade on a pale computer digitalized hand sending me off to the nearest store with false hopes will happen no more...

I follow a handful of "budget conscious" sites and stumbled upon an article about a drugstore brand of polish in a shade that I too desire. The Budget Babe posted an article earlier this week and a comment from a reader stuck with me. This particular reader mentioned "China Glaze" and a shade they had comparable to the one in the article. So I of course googled this brand and today found myself staring at their line in a local Sally's. This Sally's did not happen to carry the shade of lilac known as Light as Air from China Glazes "Up and Away" line that the one reader fell in love with. Slightly disappointed the signage announcing a sale (B2G1free) kept me interested. I decided to try another brand entirely, Finger Paint, because well their name and the shape of the bottle is cute.

My total at the counter came to$9.19 after tax. For three bottles. So like I was saying...

Dear OPI
You have frustrated me...
It's over (for now)

-Christa Nicole

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