Friday, April 23, 2010

Dear OPI...

You have frustrated me recently with your trickery and clever names. You've had me hooked for years. From "you're a pisa work" to "I'm a princess, you're not" How could I not desire to take you home with me? Bottle after $9 bottle I collect you, desire you... But you have let me down. Your oh so friendly website designed to help me find the "perfect" shade on a pale computer digitalized hand sending me off to the nearest store with false hopes will happen no more...

I follow a handful of "budget conscious" sites and stumbled upon an article about a drugstore brand of polish in a shade that I too desire. The Budget Babe posted an article earlier this week and a comment from a reader stuck with me. This particular reader mentioned "China Glaze" and a shade they had comparable to the one in the article. So I of course googled this brand and today found myself staring at their line in a local Sally's. This Sally's did not happen to carry the shade of lilac known as Light as Air from China Glazes "Up and Away" line that the one reader fell in love with. Slightly disappointed the signage announcing a sale (B2G1free) kept me interested. I decided to try another brand entirely, Finger Paint, because well their name and the shape of the bottle is cute.

My total at the counter came to$9.19 after tax. For three bottles. So like I was saying...

Dear OPI
You have frustrated me...
It's over (for now)

-Christa Nicole

Sunday, April 18, 2010


The weather has been beautiful and we have been taking full advantage of a popular little park close to us. I honestly had no idea how LARGE this park was until I went for a walk with a friend. HUGE.

Shane has you can tell is a "look what I can do" pro! Until his little hands get worn out, that is.

And when Shane isn't doing his thing on the playground you can be sure he is putting his best face forward on the green (grass that is)


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yesterday was the most wonderful day

Truly wonderful. I dropped Shane off at school, while noticing how incredibly challenging his new school will be in regards to drop off/pick up since we drive by that school to get to his current one. That was the first task for the day, then Nick and I headed to the grocery store to tackle my "little" list, silly boy grabbed a hand basket... I grabbed a cart.

Then picked up a donut!!! Haha and zoomed over to BCC and ordered a strawberry shortcake latte. WHAT?!?! I prefer things a little less sweet but with a name like that I had to try. Not sure what they used but I did notice "cupcake," "strawberry" and "chocolate cookie dough" syrups added to their collection. Crazy.

After the car was unloaded by my love and put away by none other then myself. I found myself back in the car en route to Napa for my HAIR!! Nothing dramatic except for conversation! Then back home and immediately off to Concord for lunch. In the meantime I received a call from Shane's Father. It was his weekend but he was out the area and asked if he could pick up Shane Saturday instead of Friday. So YEA me!!

Then after our late lunch we drove back, got Shane, then picked up Super Mario for Wii and a new pink controller for mommy!

And then... I know... We went to the Cement slide and hiked up a hill that over looks Lake Herman and smashed confetti eggs to smithereens. So fun.

We played Mario until (someone got too aggressive) it was time for bed and then the grownups watched Precious.

And I have a new lens in the mail...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cheese!! No.. not like that. No, more natural...

No not that either...

From the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday at North Hills. So many eggs, so quickly hunted. They divided the children into groups by grade and sectioned off the hunts and from what I could gather no bumps or bruises either. So all around score!! They started the festivities with a puppet show that did a successful job at bringing the importance of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the tomb and living in each and everyone of us. The story of Jesus's death and resurrection always gives me chills even when delivered from a puppets "lips

I just spent $7.70 at Sbux...

So we have just recently moved and in the fashion of practical adults we were trying to budget our utilities. Fortunately for us most utilities are included and the only ones we need to worry about are Cable/Internet, Land line if necc and PG&E.

We went with Comcast which is pretty black and white with costs even if it tends to be in a different language. But with PG&E we were not sure. My old bill ranged from the mid $130's to $180. We discussed with others and were figuring around $80 a month. So I was excited to get the bill earlier today (didn't get the mail yesterday, too busy and our box isn't located outside our door). When I opened it I was a little surprised. I even called them and talked with a live agent (on Easter Sunday, WHAT?) and it was legit. Granted this is from 3/12-3/30 but what?? Too funny.

Mistake? We shall see. But in the mean time I'm turning on the heater =P

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Early Morning Whispers

As good as it sounds to sleep till 9 or even 10, I find so much pleasure in the early morning when people are still sleeping. I should say person, since Nick left for work at 6. And as quiet as he tries to leave the house I just can't sleep if he isn't next to me.

There is just something peaceful about the stillness of my house. Dew sits undisturbed on the windows. A moment when there isn't some type of dragon/warrior/dinosaur with a cape made from a Giant Spiderman blanket bounding from the highest point of the couch on to a pile of warm, freshly cleaned laundry. I know one day I will miss the constant sound of a machine gun or the growling roar right before the attack. Until then there is always 7am and earlier if need be.

So I have about 30 more minutes to continue this beautiful thing I have with my coffee and Tori and Dean...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Busy, busy weekend up ahead, its kind of nice to have this quiet moment this morning. With one at work and one (still) sleeping I'm just trying to enjoy the peaceful still of it all.

I have been trying to focus on some areas of my personality and reigning them in but I am stronger then I thought. This particular area runs deep in the veins of "The Walkers" so deep in fact I wonder what trait other then a strong back and legs I carried over from my fathers side. But alas, I'll admit. I. Like... LOVE. to buy things. Things in case there is a Hurricane, this Nick is having a hard time understanding. Things in case I go back and they are not there, this happens all to often. Things because they are on sale, and WE WILL NEED them eventually. Things because its always nice to have one waiting on the shelf for you when you run out.

So yes technically 8 things of deodorant would be necessary depending on the circumstances. To be honest I didn't even know I had that many until Nick pointed it out. I'll blame that one on Costco and their coupons =)

Perhaps all this has to do with those miserable girl scouts years, but I doubt it.

So now I am trying to be "good" I wrote out a budget, I do save and I know where my weaknesses lie. Target and the grocery store. I loath Walmart and their clutter. Their rude, inconsiderate employees who leave their carts they are working from in the center of their tiny aisles. How it is an act of God for you to find someone who might have an inclining as to where that one item you have circled the store for an hour might be. Home Depot also falls into this category. But I go there and what happens?? Easter Decorations!!!!

I've tried shopping from a list. Key is I tried. But cereal was on sale! Cereal is NEVER on sale when I go Safeway and someone will eventually eat through the (costco) cheerios.

But I think being honest will help. So I am going to try to take pictures and add up $$ spent frivolously.

*Frivolousy - not planned, not on "my list"

So I was going to take a picture of all items purchased frivolously but I put them all away already and made rice krispie treats then dipped said treats in chocolate and sprinkled "sprinkles" so I totally didn't have time. And it was raining. So instead I took a picture of the receipt along with a cleverly disguised bunny who is hiding out until Sunday morning. The grand total of $$ spent that was not allocated was... $38.18 from a total bill of $68.20 granted I did save $39.49 off the total purchase.

Back to earlier when I was talking about my quiet morning. I was opening up mail and cut my thumb with scissors (I know, I know "cut away") But I ended up using the last of my hello kitty band aids and I think they only sell them at Target...

*in case you were wondering Target did have the band aids $1.82